Erotic stories of Nothing like Tongue Out

Profile page of Nothing like Tongue Out. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Nothing like Tongue Out wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 194 times

A Intruder in the SpaceshipA Intruder in the Spaceship Chapter 1 A Woman naked (slim, black, with long 4C hair) on the corridors of the space station Walking slowly Her Shoulders, a perfect curve of nature, with bright skin Licks her upper lip, with a purple tongue, trifurcated, with fluorescent blue dots lined Her eyes, confident, fixed on a male (androginous, asian with Long Hair) he is alone, he dont understanding whats going on Behind her, on her silhouette, from her back, large vivid Purple Tentacles is spre... reading time 3 mingenre
Science fiction
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